How Long Does It Take to Clean Ducts in Your Home?

Keeping your HVAC system running properly requires air ducts that are free of debris. Experts at FreshX Air Duct Cleaning, the leading residential air duct cleaning company in Hollister, have many customers ask them, “How long does it take to clean ducts?” The answer depends on a few different factors which we’ll explain in this guide.

Consider the Size of Your Home

Whether you need to clean your air ducts, paint the walls, or finish some other type of home project, the size of your space always influences the total time it will take to complete. Smaller homes can only accommodate a certain amount of air ducts so the cleaning process shouldn’t take too long. Ask a professional duct cleaning contractor how long it typically takes them to finish service on a building with similar square footage to your home.

Remember that an air duct cleaning service is necessary no matter how big or small your home is. Investing in routine cleanings helps keep your HVAC system running efficiently so you can minimize energy losses.

Focus on Your Home’s Accessibility

How long does it take to clean ducts in a 2,000-square-foot home? The answer ultimately depends on how accessible the space is. While the sheer size of your home plays an important factor, accessibility impacts the project timeline as well.

It may take professionals more time to finish cleaning ducts in a larger home but residential projects almost always take less time than commercial duct cleaning services. Industrial buildings feature complex duct systems that experts must navigate while trying to minimize business disruptions.

Keep in mind that the project will go much smoother if contractors can easily access all of the ducts in your home. Prepare for your duct cleaning service by taking the following steps to make your home more accessible:

  • Clear any clutter around your heating and cooling system
  • Remove large furniture blocking the path for contractors
  • Keep young children or pets away from the contractor’s work site

Doing your part can help speed up the total time it takes to clean your ductwork.

Factor in Other HVAC Components

Air ducts make up one piece of a functioning HVAC system. It’s important to keep them clean along with other ventilation equipment. If you ask a professional, “How long does it take to clean ducts?” they’ll tell you that the process involves spending time on the ductwork as well as other aspects of your HVAC system.

A duct cleaning service often includes a thorough cleaning of the HVAC components that attach to the ducts, including:

  • Duct covers
  • Return registers
  • Filters

Experts will carefully remove all dirt and debris from these areas as well as inspect your heater and air conditioning coils, as these can also accumulate dust and allergens. The entire process can take several hours, especially if you have a large home with many different HVAC components to clean.

Allow Time for Excessively Dirty Air Ducts

How long does it take to clean ducts if you follow a recommended cleaning schedule? The process shouldn’t take very long if you stick with regular cleanings every three to five years. However, if you’ve never had experts inspect your ducts, they’ll probably need extra care to remove years of buildup.

If you’re looking to enhance your HVAC system without taking too much time out of your busy day, invest in routine duct cleaning services. Contractors can finish the job quickly if the debris buildup inside the ducts is manageable and not excessive. Be mindful that the project might take longer than normal if your ducts have never received a professional cleaning after decades of use.

Schedule an Air Duct Cleaning Service Today

After reading this guide, you no longer have to wonder, “How long does it take to clean ducts?” However, you might want to know how often to clean your air ducts and the types of products that experts use. If you’re asking, “Who does air duct cleaning in Hollister, CA?” the team at FreshX Air Duct Cleaning can answer all of your questions and leave your home with spotless ductwork.

Reach out to us today if you’re ready to transform your HVAC system. Call (831) 801-1233 to schedule a duct cleaning service and learn more.


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